Jan 16, 2012

I did

Tina Fey.


Anonymous said...

Phil Hartman dated the smart one, too. Look what happened to him.

That Inking Guy said...

Tina was smart enough to neither work for deferral nor ask anyone else to.

Unknown said...

Hi Inking Guy, your comment intrigues me because it's seemingly completely unrelated. Have you had a bad experience lately? Care to share? This is on open forum for thoughts and feelings.

And Anonymous: good point. I'll write a letter to the NYPD warning them to be prepared for when Tina Fey finally snaps and stabs her husband three-hundred times with a spork.

That Inking Guy said...

The subject is "--should have dated The Smart One". The "dumb one" would perceive that as totally unrelated, as you seem to like comics (although you have jack shit professional credits in that arena, aside from vanity press, correct?)

As per the Gary F situation with Ghost Rider right now?

I thought you fancied yourself a "playa" RE mdia and comics as they related to film and TV. Apparently you're still "Channel 31 at 3:45 AM". NO worries. If that's the kinda stuff you like, I love it too. And plenty of people are happy to stay there. Especially if they have no interest in ever coming up with anything original. ;)

Unknown said...

OK, gee, there's some animosity here, and I'm not really sure where it's coming from, as I'm not really sure who you are or if I've done anything to warrant your comments.

I'm not really very far into my career in the media yet, just making scrapes. I had a bit of a go at comics, but a mix of projects not getting off the ground, the smallness of the scene here and the greener pastures in the video world, relevant to my own skills, has meant I don't really try to get in there any more. There are people more dedicated and experienced in Australia who are doing far better than I ever will.

Not sure what exactly you're referring to regarding the Ghost Rider situation. I know the case you're referencing, but don't really see the relevance.

Also not sure when I ever used Ebonics to describe myself within the media industry, but I'm assuming you're referring to Our Melbourne when you mention Channel 31 at 3:45am. Are they still repeating that show? We don't even get told.

Anyway, whoever you are, dear person, I suggest you email me AT simonjgreen DOT com with whatever gripes you may have so we can actually address them, instead of this odd, vague commenting off-topic.