Apr 14, 2011

Disability, Carers and The Good Fight

I didn't realise there's antagonism between carers and the disabled, at least politically. That seems silly to me. Counter-productive. Shouldn't we be on the same side? In such a difficult section of activism, where our opponents to reform consider us drains on society, how does factionalism help? Without a united front, we crumble.

The Internet has been buzzing like a vuvuzela these past few days, with the NDIS, disability, carers and Centrelink being bandied about and debated by all-comers. It's great to see so much interest in we poor crippies and our loved ones, but if talk is the only thing to come of it, then what good? Stay a team!

Here are some links:

Right Royally Pissed Off | bit.ly/evpHZA | @heikefabig 's response to @toddocracy 's column in The Punch yesterday, via @AngryOzCripple

I’m not a dole bludger, I just want to work by @Carl Thompson | bit.ly/gUkMS6 via @AngryOzCripple

Carers: Step off and let people with disabilities speak | http://bit.ly/gMDVnS | Todd Winther's now infamous article

Dear Tony, Let Me Tell You About My Disability | http://bit.ly/f8OV1t | via Stella Young

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