Dear music industry,
This is a break-up. Neither of us is to blame: It's just worked out this way. You wanted something great as cheaply as you could get it, I wanted to make something great and be paid appropriately for my time. That's cool. We're living in a capitalist society, baby. I need to eat and build my business, you need to perform and build your profile.
I thought that if I made a few music videos for free, then cheap, I'd be able to build my way up to decent budgets. You were kind enough to work with me. We were gentle at first. Passionate. We'd stay up late, wrapped in each other's ideas. All too quickly, I noticed your enthusiasm start to wane. Was it because I wanted to invite all those extras in to our special thing? I couldn't help but feel that you were scared: scared of losing your precious cred, or whatever image you'd built for yourself (even though your fans were as numbered as the amount of comments on a blog post).
But we stuck together. You'd pull out of projects, leaving me to start all over again. Money was always an issue. I'd forgive you for not emailing or answering back for weeks at a time. I felt like a fool, but slowly, we made progress. Budgets got a little bigger. Remember that happy time I re-cut a video for you because the over-priced international director botched the shoot? We were so happy then, the result of our union filled us with pride. We'd finally made it: you, now a major international record label, me a talented producer with so many more great ideas.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I discover you want an entire music video for free. You, a major international record label, telling me how well your client is doing, then asking for a music video, pre- to post- for free. I shouldn't be surprised. It's my fault. I'd conditioned you to treat me this way by being cheap, free when you need me. I'm the whore, but at least I can leave this abusive relationship.
I'm sorry music industry, there's just no money in you. Maybe if you can prove you consider me worthwhile, we might one day get back together. For now, I'm afraid we have to break up.
Warm thoughts,
The film industry.