Apr 8, 2010

The Adventures of Freddo and the Mystery of Slater Island

It's here! A few months back, I worked as a freelance writer at Public Mojo, an advertising agency. There, based on Mojo's story, I wrote the scripts for 10 episodes of an online animation starring the great Freddo the Frog, of Cadbury fame. The end result is a fun cartoon and game that gets released day by day. It was awesome fun and I got to be the script writer of this bad boy. It's one of my first big writing jobs and thus I hope you enjoy!

Go to the site freddo.com.au and sign up, then you can watch the episodes of series 2 - the one I wrote - or see the first series (I wasn't a part of that one). It's a great little adventure, and if you aren't convinced, here's the trailer (link):

And lastly, here is the media our little Freddo adventure's been getting:
Cadbury Freddo Game  | Kids HYPE!

Apr 5, 2010

I Like The Internet Being Free

To me, the Internet has been the last bastion of completely free speech. While you can still be rightfully challenged with court proceedings if you infringe on national law, we users of the Internet are pretty much free to do whatever we like - upload whatever content we desire and view whatever material we want, so long as it isn't breaking our laws. And we're free to do it without censorship of any kind. I want that to stay, but I always figured it would be a matter of time before people more conservative than me ruined the Internet.

If this filter goes through, they've ruined the Internet for me, because they'll have opened Pandora's box.

Why? To save us from kiddy porn and other things that are bad. The filter won't stop it, though. It'll make it harder for bad people to get bad things, but they'll still get them. The same law that makes bad things illegal will still be there, just as enforceable as before, but every other person in the country will suffer. Great. Well done Government, you've ignored the lessons of the past. Hooray.

Strengthen the agencies that enforce the existing laws that outlaw things like child-porn etc. and make sure they investigate ISPs for misconduct. Don't make the consumers and general public suffer. The whole "it's for family friendliness" argument scares me, because so much awfulness has been committed in the name of some notion of an ethereal 'greater good' that is so subjective from person to person it could never be called a democratic approach.

Apr 2, 2010

Killeroo still chuggin'

KILLEROO Production Diaries

In case you missed 'em, here are the last five Killeroo blog posts. Check out my Facebook profile (a link is to the right of this post) to see killer character designs by Ryan, our artist supreme.

A Reprimand

Predictably, I have much to learn. Today I was lightly reprimanded for giving too much detail on posture and stance during a discussion on a character’s design. These are the things I learn in the face of naivety. I was told such details should be left for those moments in the script. Indeed they are [...]

Chapter 2, Draft 1… BASHED!

I walked into the room late in the afternoon. The room reeked of a whole day’s worth of bodies sweating over their work. The script jumped out at me before I’d even taken my seat. BAM! A knee in the guts and an elbow in my back, forcing me onto the ground, splinters collecting in [...]

My Face! My Valuable Face!

Oh man. So much has been going down! I’m sitting in a dentist office with a numb mouth, keepin’ it real on the iPhone so I can update this page. We have an artist on onboard, two in fact, and Daz has been going over the layouts with one of them. He’s been kind enough [...]

The Not So Silent Treatment

Treatments are freakin’ grouse! A film treatment is a prose version of the story, step by step and without dialogue. I’ve been doing this for our graphic novel. If you know this already, good for you my friend! Share the knowledge with people who don’t, because that’s what I’m trying to do. I love treatments [...]

Contract Killer

Contracts can be a killer. Darren and I are being smart. We’re sorting out the legal wranglings good and early. It sucks, because we both have so much creative juice in us right now, at the very start. But I’ve been through too many creative partnerships over the years that didn’t pay heed to these [...]