Dec 2, 2009

Tony Abbott's wiki

Nothing new here, but thought I'd put it in words...
  • Said to be a devout Catholic, he wanted to join the Catholic priesthood, and entered St Patrick's Seminary, Manly.
  • Between 1993 and 1994 he was the Executive Director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.
  • In March 2004 he asked "Why isn't the fact that 100,000 women choose to end their pregnancies regarded as a national tragedy approaching the scale, say, of Aboriginal life expectancy being 20 years less than that of the general community?"
  • Abbott and previous Health Ministers had decided not to allow it (RU486) to be made available. Abbott responded to the vote by calling for funding of alternative counselling to pregnant women through church-affiliated groups.
  • Abbott opposed allowing the introduction of Embryonic stem cell research or therapeutic cloning in another conscience vote, preferring continued use of Adult stem cells for research into cures for debilitating diseases.
  • He has proposed a return to at-fault divorce, similar to the Matrimonial Causes Act, which would require spouses to prove offences like adultery, habitual drunkenness or cruelty before a divorce is granted. 
He's done some pretty good things too, like use the phrase, "shit eating grin" and volunteer for his local fire-fighters. He also, allegedly unethically, attacked The One Nation Party by supplying funds to those litigating against its leaders. But then, he's all for cutting off a route to me getting cured of Cystic Fibrosis. And forcing a woman to prove in court her husband hits her before she can divorce, instead of taking her shit and running. So, you know...never.
Thanks Wikipedia:

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