Jul 17, 2009

Gay Rights

Why does our Prime Minister not speak on such issues? When was the last progressive leader of our nation? When was progression considered more than only the slow rise in interest rates and the ever more likely chance for a white couple to buy a house? Medicine, technology and the already established safe life of our already established safe white straight people dominate the agenda. This country, Australia, is subsisting on the status quo. This country's leaders and the media that so actively sets the passive audience's agenda worry and fuss about issues that bother us, but they miss one that should bother us the most.

The way a gay person is treated and spoken about under the breath of the majority demonstrates that issue. Gay discrimination is what we need to get rid of. Gay rights is the civil rights movement of our time and space. While America pushes towards new levels of racial harmony, why don't we make our mark on the world by being the first to legislate that people can love whoever they want and not be treated differently because of it? This is a serious issue our country can take seriously. This is a serious issue that can make our country be taken seriously. This is something that will happen one day, maybe long in the future, hopefully soon in the present. Gay civil rights will break as a massive issue that will see us eventually, finally understand that who a person loves does not and should not put them outside of financial systems; should not put them outside of the the law; should not put them outside of our hearts.

Australia could be the country to start this movement. To stand up with our bigger brothers and sisters and yell loudest the speech of fairness. To spark alight the smouldering hope in our nation and cause a fire that could race across the face of the west.  The hope that because a person is gay, their rights in this world are not less than those of a straight person. Australia, our agenda is empty. With what more noble and greater thing could we fill it?

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