Jun 4, 2011

Film Victoria Responded: Short Films and Emerging Filmmakers

Film Victoria called me. Sort of.

I tweeted my post about Film Victoria seemingly giving up on short films and asked Film Vic is they cared to respond. I got a DM asking me to give a certain someone at their office a call.

I called, and was put onto a nice lady from the investment area. She admitted she hadn't read the article and wasn't particularly sure what I was talking about. Their twitter feed is maintained by their marketing co-ordinator, who hadn't forwarded my concern on. I was going in fresh, so I let her know my concerns.

The ma'am at Film Vic, who I don't want to name just in case, was lovely. She sympathised with the difficult nature of coming up form the bottom, having come from publishing into film being told she may as well swim in lava for all the chance she'd have of staying afloat (I'm paraphrasing).

She told me about Raw Nerve, Springboard, Internships and Propellor Shorts, all programs made to cater for the emerging filmmaker. Some of them aren't always running, some come and go. Some I was aware of, some I wasn't. Hopefully I can make you all more aware too, and we can flood these fuckers with quality material that's been gone over with a fine-toothed comb and keeps the audience front and centre.

I was also made aware of 37°South, the sales market for our kind. This is for features only but still useful.

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